Short URL

Privacy Policy

URLs shortened by this service are not private and should not be treated as such. Third parties could easily guess the short URL that you are using, so you should not use this sevice to link to sensitive or secure data.

Anonymous statistics on shortened URLs you create (such as number of visits to them, creation date, social media shares etc.) are not treated as private and will be made available to anyone through the site.

We use cookies or more precisely session cookies to make this service run more smooth for you and to track anonymous clicks.

If you are a creator of a short URL, we track your IP address in case of spam or illegal content.

We do not share information with third parties except where required to identify or track abuse or prevent future abuse. An exception to this is when you create a QR code - we pass the shortened URL (but no other data) to a QR code API to generate the images.

If you do not accept all of the above, please use another service.